Posted by Sn1p3r187Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Oh for fucks sake!!!!! It's not gay just me!!!!
A woman posted this on Facebook who I consider a friend but the pronouns were reversed, it's supposed to say "MEN get abused, MEN get assaulted" etc etc..
I've had a really fucked up week and I need some sort of therapy for anger management, I messaged a friend who is a psychologist and she referred me to the Men's resource center so I could get counselling of sorts, so I called the place and the line was dead, I go there the next day and it has completely shut down, the only place in My home town that's supposed to deal with men and their problems has shut down and I'm on the waiting list to see a doctor so I can get a referral.
I was on Facebook and I see my friend post that and I can't help but feel like I can't talk to her about my shit and it really upsets me.
No sexes problems are worse than the other, men problems affect women's problems and vice versa and this polarity affects the fucking children and I'm sick of it!
Your male privilege is showing.
No, your retardation is showing. Go throw yourself off a bridge. Your mom shoulda swallowed to expand