[Before all of this I dated Pisces for 4 and half year, 1 month later I get with Aquarius]
Hi I'm Virgo Man and I date with Aquarius woman for almost a year. She made the first move to be with me. I knew her for like half a year or so, she started hugging me for no reason - I though it was a joke. We were just friends, and as a Virgo Im cute and rude to woman at the same time (lthat's my style or something like that ). Her friend told me that this might be something more. So that day I texted her, we got out for coffee. Since that day we were together almost everyday. But few months ago I started to have mixed feeling about her. Think that I should break up with her. Why?
I love to care about her, I like to help her, the conversations were deep and about important things. She's ambitious and intelligent and I love that too. Hugging with her is something I like the most.
But: i don't feel her mind, sex life simply sucks - haven't had worst in my life, I feel that she's not treating me like long-term partner, she can't even kiss like she should. In bed - she's lazy, please her and she don't mind to please you. It's not working: we meet, eat some, talk, maybe have sex that suck and get back to our houses. It's not routine, I feel we're not compatible - but at start I felt that were were born to be together. But all astrology forums told: It will not work out, sooner or later.
I thing we should go back to be good friends, but I feel that it's gonna be hard or impossible for both of us. She's so sweet, I don't want to hurt her, but is it ok to hurt myself to see her satisfied? Well no.
We even had a little fight about our behaviors and acting:
- She told me that I'm a d***. , not only for her but for the rest of the world. Well I was somehow surprised because she has similar sense of humor, we even insult each other for fun.
- I told her that she's cold etc. She responded that she'll get better which seems impossible.
But after that we talked second time about it, she started conversation and the only discussed problem was me, not even a word about her "fault".
And there is a second reason which showed me that I could build my life with other person.
Week ago I talked to a Cancer woman. We know each other for about two years, but I wouldn't think that I can establish such a great connection with her. We talked for like 20 minutes and I couldn't stop thinking about her for next few days. She was on my head. Suddenly she texted me why I don't sleep(posting some on Facebook), she wanted to have a walk. I agreed, it was 2AM! We talked outside, then in her house - just talked not even touching once. We say goodbye to each other at 1PM! Talking, talking and talking.
When I was almost leaving she asked me:
- Do you love her?
- Are you happy with her?
I couldn't say anything - pure silence, my heartbeat got faster and for few seconds everything in my head was a big screaming NO NO NO I'M NOT!! And Afte