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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1936 · Posts: 17044 · Topics: 108
We also need to figure out the placements for goths, hippies, hipsters, hillbilly, juggalos, and those richy witchy preppy bitches.
We need answers people. There's starving children out there and by not fulfilling these important questions we're basically advocating world hunger.
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Jun 11, 2015Comments: 62 · Posts: 5860 · Topics: 191
The mars-saturn-uranus are trine Jupiter too...look those up...that counts a lot...
Also, Pluto MC,'s 10 degrees so it's not that powerful, but it's there.
'The Shape Shifter'
During your life, you will go through many changes, but you will always have the desire to make an impact upon the world and to be regarded as a person of significance. The danger you must face it that you may want to go too far too fast and thereby alienate the people who have authority over you. While you are young, this will mean mostly parents and teachers, but you might occasionally encounter police or government officials. You are likely to have a very intense relationship with one of your parents, and it is important that this be a good relationship as well. Unless it is constructive, guilt and other forms of emotional bondage may arise from it. You must be able to talk to that parent openly and honestly, and he or she must be able to let go as you become more mature. Unfortunately this placement often indicates that one of your parents tries to arrest your development at some point through being over possessive and domineering. Sometimes the method is very subtle, using self-sacrifice and guilt, instead of more open power tactics. But a positive and creative parent relationship will give you self-confidence and the desire to achieve something of great significance in your life.
And lastly I'd say your chart is a bucket shape...and the pivot point is Moon. Since it's trine, I'd say that's a definite sign. The pivot point is the way out, the part of you that needs to act to solve a problem. Emotion (moon) but also intellect (in gemini, plus it's trine mercury, itself in Aquarius!).
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
Not today, Lisa. It's past 11pm, too late to call.
We communicated several times today. I went on his FB earlier and saw a few b-day wishes. I wasn't sure he knew that his FB friends will get notified about his birthday, lol. Later today, when replying to one of his emails, I also asked him to have a look on his FB, if he didn't do so already. He sent me another email since, but without mentioning the FB! Several hours later I looked again......and it was ...pooooffff!
Damn, he had such a handsome profile pic * crying *