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Posted by AriesIntrovert16
Interesting, and black people with "white swag" have which placements, now?
Posted by atlanteangoddessPosted by WhiteChocolate
If all you're wanting is a casual fuck buddy relationship, you should expect casual fuck buddy levels of commitment and effort from men.
I have no expectations of where this is going. And that wasn't my question.
I'm curious is he doing a typical Scorpio hiding thing. Or is that it. Just looking for the Scorpio perspective.
I'm more curious more than anything, if I never hear from him again no big deal. It is what it is.click to expand
Posted by wagtail
OH yeh Rocky is right, us Leo girls get obsessy based on not much sometimes and it's a real hard lesson to learn.
Too much heart not enough head spaceness... gotta be tough gotta be strong gotta try and detach a little and try and step back a bit from our emotional instincts... it's nice to be 'in love' or to have someone on your mind all hours of the day but every time i come out of the fog I remember who I am again and it's never quite as dire as you think![]()
It's also a lot of energy really exhausting in some ways so you have to be tough on love and tougher on yourself by extension cos we really are all Love- we are made of it, Leo girls are cuddle bunnies made of gooey Love-crumbs stuck together with Love caramel and wrapped in love candy lol
Just stay in touch with him if that's what you want, but maybe when you meet someone wonderful in your immediate area you'll see it's not just one person- there are plenty of lovely guys out there who'll be able to pick you up for a nice date or actually visit you at work and stuff like that- us Leo girls like a man who is around, you know
Posted by TaureyePosted by CopperDove
@Taureye lol, I can imagine. And that's a good thing of course. There are some really cool Scorpio people out there, contrary to what some people want to believe about Scorpio being the embodiment of evil.
I'm not sure if you're aware how me and my scorp broke up. But even though it was pretty shitty on her part. I can still understand why she may have done it. So i can understand why scorps get a bad rap but i also understand why they do the things they do. A lot of self-preservation, a lot of conflicts with the self, 9/10 it has nothing to do with the other person. It's just the other person is caught in the cross fire. Just sucks.click to expand
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