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Oct 20, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 149 · Topics: 27
bri, he let his guard down & gave you a big piece of his heart. When we do this, we end up retreating into our mental shell to blow off steam for what we did.
He sounds just like me.
I think he really likes you. You got a very cored piece of him. He needs to recover.
Sorry to say this, but since he is just now at this stage, it's just the beginning. But, you energized his soul right back up for him. It's like we hide, use our energy, we then need to come out, seek the person that can make us feel good & then go back. Does he make a habit of this?? Has he been THIS way with you before? I'm asking because, if not, the next time he comes back he should be giving you a little more with each turn.
I'm not sure what your sign is. Aquas feel safest with ppl that we know wont suck the life blood out of us, which is very easy to do. SOmetimes, "Hey, where were you?" is even too much.
Please dont take it personal. Consider his actions a compliment.