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Aug 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 800 · Topics: 31
".................a-fricken-men sister. now i think i love YOU(lol btw). i wasn't a big fan of taurus chics before, but that statement just ratcheted you ladies up quite a bit.
in other words, i feel the same way"
Woohoo! A point for the bull ladies!
*smiles proudly* =D
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Jul 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 485 · Topics: 20
The Aries gal and I are going on a road trip a week from today... however, I cannot get ahold of her anymore... rumor has it, her sister (whom she currently resides with) did not pay the phone bill for some time now and it's been disconnected... gah.
Oh well, I've been relaying messages to her through my sister who lives closer and sees her more often than I (since I can only see her a couple times a month, weekends only).
Blah, communication breakdowns suck, especially when it's completely unintentional. I suppose I could always start writing letters... that's so old school, but it'll have to do for the time being.
Grrr, but the worst part is, we still have yet to finalize our plans for the out of state trip, it's gonna drive me nuts if I go to pick her up next week and have no idea what's going on...
Minor bump in the road, that's all.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
enclosed places.
What kind of package?
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May 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Wow, that guy sounds just like me lol.Ammm yeah Pisces and taurus relationships are one of the best out there, even better, when moon, mercury, venus and mars are in compatible signs as well.But I won't confuse the hell out of you, by getting into those depths.
You can neevvveerrr ask a pisces male, straight up, if he likes you or not...our sign is aallll about being vague, we can't help it.I know even when I'm interested in a girl and she askes my straight up If I have feelings for her, that it makes me cringe.Your taking all the fun out of us, using our actions to show our interest.And from the sounds of it, he sounds like a little player, one who defintely doesn't want you to know,what cards he's holding, and would rather maintain his pokerface
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
uh, Prime. What do you mean by package? You mean, "Surprise,I'm a guy,not a woman"
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
So what did you do? Just stare? I would have asked in a subtle way.
I'm never been attracted to Aquarius. Seems I'm attracted to Cancers. I don't think we're suppose to be attracted to them. But I left my Cancer man after 19 yrs. Stayed for my son. I have a lot of friends that are Cancers both women and men. Don't understand that. Cancers seem to really like me and me like them. I haven't gotten to know any Aquarius well enough to get to know them so I know I'm not attracted to them. So much so that I don't know what month is Aquarius.