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Jul 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 67
Kali Aira,
How are you? I'm Dreamy-Eyez, the resident Enigma Piscean here. Trust me, if you saw my profile you'd see where Enigma came from, acording to my dear friend Acher. (YO ARCHER!! WHAT'S UP? lol!)Anyway, you're trying to figure out a Piscean male? Well, I'll tell you one thing. Pisceans can be quite independent. That side of us isn't really apparent, but it's there. Libra is the sign of partnerships, so don't fault yourself all because you like to do things together. The Moon and Venus says alot too, so you got to look at that, but can I ask you a question? What is it about this guy that you like so much? I mean, he's causing you to worry and that's not always good. Have you openly communicated with him of how you love spending time with him? I bet if you communicated with him in expressing how you love being around him, that you're self-proclaimed clinginess would become more endearing than annoying because you got thru to him. As a Pisces, I'm not very easy to get thru too if you only rely on emoting or relying on me to decode your actions on what it is you're trying to say. You got to really communicate with me in order for things to go smoothly. Trust me, not alot of folks really get that. (Look at my Capricorn Dad, and I'm sure you all have heard that story before.) But Kali Aira, just communicate with the guy and find out what he thinks of you and get him to take you seriously, because as a Pisces,I tend not to take Librans seriously unless they prove otherwise. Take Care. Dreamy-Eyez, out.