Why are Aries so hard to communicate with?

Posted by Tubabye89
Posted by champranger
Posted by Tubabye89
Me and this Aries was talking before in the past but I left him hanging. Few month later I decided to send him a text, so surprisingly he still has my number because he didn't reply " who this?"
I was shock but now trying to have a conversation with him is like pulling a teeth. It's so difficult. I know he use to like me but now all I get is dry text message from him.
Like two word text. Sad what to do? I want him to speak to me again.

"Why are Aries so hard to communicate with?"
---> Why did you wait a few months to communicate with him?

Because I was talking to someone.

I feel like he will losen up when I tell him what's going on in my life, I know he still cares about me and has hidden feelings.
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Aries wants to be #1. Tell him that "you were talking to someone" and he'll most likely impale you in his mind and move on with a hurt ego.

Change History

Posted by Tubabye89
Posted by champranger
Posted by Tubabye89
Me and this Aries was talking before in the past but I left him hanging. Few month later I decided to send him a text, so surprisingly he still has my number because he didn't reply " who this?"
I was shock but now trying to have a conversation with him is like pulling a teeth. It's so difficult. I know he use to like me but now all I get is dry text message from him.
Like two word text. Sad what to do? I want him to speak to me again.

"Why are Aries so hard to communicate with?"
---> Why did you wait a few months to communicate with him?

Because I was talking to someone.

I feel like he will losen up when I tell him what's going on in my life, I know he still cares about me and has hidden feelings.
click to expand

Aries wants to be #1. Tell him that "you were talking to someone" and he'll most likely impale you on his mind and move on with a hurt ego.