Has Anyone Ever Found A Successful Room to Rent Online?

Posted by seraph
Posted by malloryor
Posted by seraph
Posted by malloryor
Posted by seraph
Everyone loves a successful room. Successful rooms work twice as hard as other rooms. They're dedicated and have an excellent work ethic.

Not what I'm really talking about. I am talking about actual credible sites that can help you find roommates and housing in a big city. NOT how to be a good roommate.

Successful rooms often have good roommates. It's one of the 7 Habits of Highly Successful Rooms.

I know a lot of rooms, and the happiest ones have good roommates.

You dont get me, but thanks.

Happily, I got you successfully. But sadly, what I didn't get was an adverb, despite waiting for one eagerly. Really and truly.
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You're concerned with grammar but missed the basis of the question?

You then write "Successful rooms work twice as hard as other rooms," when a room is inanimate, a location, and therefore unable to act upon the verb "work."

I didn't wake up for your smug attitude, take it somewhere else.