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Posted by shelovesDee
Everydaywe stick, like glue
Posted by Nevermore
Posted by sadpopcorn
i remember american businesses have crazy return policies. i think my grandma returned plates to a marshalls she brought home to manila and brought back to the US lol! I don't remember what was wrong with them but they took those plates back after 1 or 2 years.
Posted by Montgomery
Holy crap.
That's pretty amazing.
I thought I was doing well getting out
of there at under $ 200, for two bags,
but you win hands down.
click to expand
Posted by Vixen2
I'm pretty restrained...but I like quality.
I've wittled my closet down to a capsule closet...
Just buying a few key pieces for my wardrobe a year
However...shoes can be a problem. I love them.
And I love Target too...their new revamped homeware department rivals Pier 1 I swear....
Posted by Geminiam
Welcome btw!! Gemini board is the best on DXP! Haha I'm not biased AT ALL.
Posted by Geminiam
I'm a gem..Taurus moon though.. Dated a libra (alllll libra - libra sun, moon, Venus and Mars). He was very cool, nice and we had a lot of fun...but I never felt a real emotional connection..mostly like friends but had a great time together. He was very sweet and romantic though...made me romantic dinners and did nice things for me. but he didn't really show his emotions..maybe all that air..
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