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Posted by Finbuff
The comment to "work on your health for a few months" was the subtle type Cancer hint.
Posted by blackphasePosted by tizianiPosted by blackphasePosted by tizianiPosted by Peanutbutter
I like this. She looks good imo.
Even with the lip liner hack job? #keeper
I don't even know what lip liner is. I'm just a vessel.
Hahahaha! You know when you come to think of it, most guys likely do not notice any of this shit.. (as far as over exaggerated make up goes) Only us females do.. and I do not know why we get bent out of shape about it.. Her make sucks, oh cool, more fellas looking my way then. It should be a good thing for us to see these make up disasters, if we are getting put off does that not tie some sort of jealousy perhaps?
Idk.. I don't wear make up at all.. and likely for good reason, cause it would likely end up looking like dis..
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Posted by MiZLeo
OP if you feel uncomfortable with your weight you need to work on that. That is a self esteem thing.....which a cancer man will pick up on and can become a turn off.
Not all men find fat girls unattractive. Infact, I find the opposite. I am 5'4 and weighed over 200ibs when I met my cancer husband. He has never had an issue with my weight. I've lost....I've gained... and as I've gotten older I've found that a lot of men find me attractive... and all sorts of men. I've dated very fit strong military men who you'd think would want a barbie by their side....nope. I've dated skinny men. Chunky guys. Black, white, Spanish, indian, you name it, that had no problem with my weight. I have female friends who weigh way more than me who have never found it hard to find a man. It's all about your attitude and your self esteem. If he doesn't like u cause your fat...then screw him. You can find someone better.
Posted by Islandgal24
Well, that's where you're wrong. I don't send pictures to everyone I come in contact with. In fact last picture before sending to Taurus was more than a year ago to my ex. It took me a year to even send one to the Taurus and although I shouldn't have done it. It wasn't like it was nipples or full on boob, not even a full on nude picture. So yeah when you want to put morals in it, it wasn't a good move or lady like, but it could be worst. Thanks.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428Posted by Islandgal24
I'm 24 years old and yeah I understand what I did was wrong and wasn't lady like at all. Which I'm sure is what pushed him away. Thank you very much for your advice and honesty.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What the fuck you smoking. You are a harem chick that's all. Stop doing all that attention seeking that will send a bull right away from youbquickly. Act like a lady and not attention seeking just like mes. If he was he would be.
Please have respect for your dignity and morals stop sending pics to all guys you come in tact with.click to expand
Posted by OceanBoy88Posted by piscesgirl82Posted by Finbuff
As a Cancer male, even if a girl was really attractive, I've never been able to have a relationship with a fat girl. My guess is he's having 2nd thoughts if he's not responding, and doesn't know how to tell you. Cancers tend to be VERY picky about relationship material.
Thanks for the reply. Well if that was the case, why did he message me the next day and kept in touch ? Also, when we met, he told me that I need to focus on my health for few months and I should be alright. He also offered to join boxing classes together. I took that as a positive sign. Stupid me !!!
From the sounds of it, he probably does like you but as someone said above about not liking overweight women,he mmight be passively planning to make you lose weight with all that cardio and telling you to be health conscious, which is fine because its always good to be healthy. It's hard to judge him this way, I think you should feel out his intentions and try to see if it's all in good faith or... if he just wants to boinkclick to expand
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