Why isn't this Taurus guy saying anything?

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
I tell you one thing@op if I was moving to another estate for work I would not want to be a burden and let you go for awhile to get my affairs in order. I mean my life before I thought about something serious.

So you're saying even if he's interested, he's just not saying anything so he's not starting something new here and leaving me hanging halfway through because he's trying to get his work in order.

I agree and while I'm not interested in a relationship since I'm focusing on my career right now as well, he doesn't know that so he might actually think that if he says anything about liking me, I might ask about a relationship since that's the next step to two people liking each other. You know, I've heard that Taureans typically get into relationships when they're serious about so it might be smart of me to just leave it alone so I don't put myself in the position of having to tell him that just because I like him doesn't mean I was looking for a relationship. I feel like that would be cruel if he does actually come out and tell me he likes me.

I guess I'll just go with the assumption that he doesn't and cut both our losses.

Thanks for helping!

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