Why isn't this Taurus guy saying anything?

Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
I'm starting to think that he actually likes me but doesn't want to tell me since he's in a different place now or he just doesn't know if he likes me or not.

Do Taurus guys act the way I described his behavior when they like a girl? Why isn't he saying anything to me? Is there anything I can say to get him to talk to me about it?

Please Google "the Taurus harem" and do some reading.

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Thanks, that actually helped. He isn't romancing any women though so idk but I get the idea.

The harem isn't about romance or sleeping around. Its about a soaking up all that admiration from a group of females who think they have a chance, but either don't, or are not seriously being considered at the moment.

Take you for instance. At best, from what I just read of your situation,if this guy is into you at all, he is not really all that concerned with losing you. If he were, he would never risk it by failing tor respond to some very direct behavior on your part. And you continue to act in a way that reinfoces the belief that he doesn't really have to worry about that. This is Venusian magic. You are under the spell.

What is so great about the guy that you'd put your pride aside like that? Why settle for anything less than someone being crazy about you? If he can put you on hold like this now, he'd be doing the same all throughout your relationship.
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Also, OP, is this the same guy you played that dirty trick on?

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