Stumbling into Love

He does talk up a storm, I call him the small talk king smile

He just has a way of not revealing anything important. Maybe he's secretly a billionaire lol

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Posted by Geminiam
Posted by BadGrlCapi
Posted by Geminiam
Posted by BadGrlCapi
Posted by Geminiam
No. The Geminis I know are very opposite of stuck up bitches...friendly with everyone and if they gossip it's never hurtful or intentionally mean. Down to earth and want to help lift each other up, not tear each other down.

Sounds like she was just trying to tell you that she had changed and didn't want to get caught up gossiping about other people anymore, maybe something she didn't like about herself and didn't want to go back to. It just didn't come across nicely to you so it was taken personally.

She wouldn't ever gossip about people, that's the thing, or at least not to me..

Also when someone says "but idk about you", that's when it gets personal because how everyone speaks where were from, our vernacular, that's an insult.

That girl was like my sister, so after reading some of these comments and reflecting on our past, I'm thinking its a facade.

Is it possible that she thought you had gossiped about her? Like maybe somewhere along the way you said anything that might have got back to her? It would be very passive passive aggressive but that almost seems like more of a dig in the way you describe "I don't talk about other people...but obviously you do bish" . I would only be bitchy like that if someone had stabbed me in the back and then came back acting like a friend (not saying you did, just that's when I might react kinda mean).

Yea I get you. Well... I heard she cried when she found out I left the school we went to and I didn't text her until a week later, but I texted someone else the next day so idk if she said anything, but I doubt it. Uhm.. I'm not sure if y'all get mad over petty stuff, but I stopped texting her and disappear for a long ass time twice.... And we were supposed to meet awhile back but I flaked.

I'm thinking this is just a Kanye thing

I don't know her personally so can't say. Some gems are more sensitive than others and depending on their personality I could see reacting that way if they were hurt and the issue was never addressed or apologized for.
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I'd just drop off that ring in some corner of Sephora and come back for it after the mission's accomplished (:
Posted by LillyPetal
I don't think it's a weird thought. I think that some women base their opinions off the opinions of the guys in an effort to appear "objective" or "open-minded."

I think his behavior is kind of grimy, though. But I have never been one to enjoy public, dirty jokes because I see them as tacky.

... in order to ingratiate themselves, and gain acceptance, etc.

Good eye, Lilly.


Posted by littlegigabyte
I'm a Gem sun with earth moon and Leo rising too, and I can't relate at all :/ I thought for sure that he had to have some water in there.

yea it *really* seems like he's odd.
I rarely come on this board, but saw this.

I had to stop to offer my congratulations smile.
Posted by truecap
...He said i bought ypu something ya go, see if this fits...

Well it got the job done Big Grin
I agree with everything but I never understood the hate towards Nickelback?! This was my fav song by them when I was in middle school:

Pretty deep, rite. I loved the music video. Plus the guy in it was cute af. Got that Ryan Cabrera look. Anyway, it's better than 99% of today's autotune crap okay. LIKE ANY OF YOU CAN DO BETTER !!
Isn't that kind of the point of having a Besty tho?
Everybody ranks their social circle to some degree... If you're feeling neglected because you have feelings for this guy maybe you aren't on the same page about this.
Humans change and grow out of each other... There are people who were my right hand men 10years ago, but if I'd stuck around I'd be lying in a drug den with a needle in my arm- can't account for different interests righ?
Or I'm currently single so I'm barely seeing my married best friend... She has a fucking family and although it would be nice- me rocking up with a keg and two barrels f wine for a candle lit girls night in wouldn't fly.

OR It might be a Lion growing phase.
We expand our circle for a short amount of time to stretch our boundaries, include others and accept any advances from people who have made it clear they want to be a part of our Lives.
Then we simmer for a bit, see if it works with our schedule LOL then we cull.
We spend a little time on the cutting floor, but even if our nearest and dearest don't see us for a while they can be assured they are number 1 in our hearts at the end of the day.

Leo is actually incredibly anti-social as a rule. The pressure to maintain a large group of friends and acquaintances often means we get exhausted.

All signs are different- I can't generalize- I speak for myself here only.
I can do better.
Posted by truecap
...I'm not disappointed in how he did it. It was his way of doing things. I'm glad it wasn't a public thing.

At the end of the day that's all that matters.