Posted by ForeverlovemeOK thanks!
Translation: he enjoyed sex & hopes you did as well
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Posted by ElleDuMonde
why are you two coming after me?
Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by LadyNeptune
My gem seems to cycle through emotions much faster than me.
One minute he'll be annoyed/frustrated and upset with me. The next minute he's back to being upbeat. His dual twins are giving me whiplash. And as a Pisces I absorb his mood. He's upset with me? I become upset in turn. And while he can quickly get over these negative emotions they tend to effect me deeply.
Our biggest problem though is how we communicate these differences. I'm learning to let him know if I'm feeling a certain way as opposed to holding it all inside and stewing in my misery.
In general I think us Pisces and Gemini's struggle in this area, communication.
@boxcarmirnta Would you consider reaching out to him? I know he's hurt your pride, but everyone has an off day. He may not be fully aware of how this has effected you.
Let him know that you care about him and are sorry if you came off as dismissive of how he was feeling. Let him know that the way he lashed out at you upset you enough to make you leave.
Explain where you are coming from and see if he will meet you half way. If not, then you have your answer.
I appreciate your words of wisdom, as always..yes communication is a huge problem. Wish I could pick your brain to figure out how you do it. I might, I dunno....he's already acting like nothing to expand
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