The confusion

Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AriesLovesMe
Oh I don't keep just one either. I enjoy dating!

Dating Leo, Aries-Taurus, Scorpio

I like them in that order too. One fall off he'll be replaced.
is this just sun signs?

cause you an aries sun female right? chart matters lady.
What else would it be?!? They all act like their Sun Signs. Don't have time to do all that soul searching, chart investigating. I don't care about 10 percent of the equation.
haha. I have a sister who IS aries sun, and shes married to a Libra sun.

gimme a break. how come you aren't with an air sun, or any of the other air suns?
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I don't like Aquarius or Libra. Libras are stalkers and Aquarius too wild. Gemini I can deal with, haven't met any decent ones.

I like Fire Signs. But this Scorpio is cool, he treats me very good. We have a great time together, but I know it's only temporary because I would never settle with him.