The confusion

I don't have time to do all that explaining.

I just go with the flow. If you don't ask I'm not telling. I'm not spilling all them feelings when I'm dating someone in the beginning.

If I'm around you I obviously like you in some form or fashion.

Ain't nobody starting a relationship or getting married tomorrow.

I know you read he was "temporary". As soon as that Aries ask me out I probably won't have time for him. But he still cool so I might go out every now and then as buddies.

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I'm not sure if you're only wanting answers from people who have both Aqua Sun and Moon but I'm an Aqua Sun who feels like answering..So, there's a lot of things that can win my heart over such as mentally stimulating conversations, humor and starting off as friends, but the 3 main things that I look for and could win me over is a man's honesty, loyalty, and attention. I seek truth and admire people who speak what's on their mind as well as their heart, being upfront and personal. Loyalty and commitment is hard to find, especially in a world full of temptation..So, if you tell me I am yours, then you are also mine. I dislike playing games and I hate to be purposely ignored, so if a guy that likes me can contact me to see how I'm doing, that is very attractive.

Things that past lovers have done to win me over were persistence, as I can be stubborn and aloof when it comes to matters of courtship. Eluding confidence and independence are also qualities that I like in a potential lover.
Interesting post Keen_Falcon,

So, just to be clear..You have 3 girls in your life right now that each have different qualities about themselves being: Love, Passion, and Adventure, right? Well, why not just wait until you meet a woman possessing all of those 3 terrific qualities? Tongue (Trust me, they exist) smile

Now, the 3 qualities you dislike in a woman are: control, fear, and neglect. I agree with your dislikes but I'm having a hard time understanding your reason for the last one, neglect. (No judgment here either, just trying to understand) I don't like neglect or being ignored from someone I like either but in your last sentence, are you saying you will try to have sex with other people because there are other options available so you definitely don't want a clingy person?

As a child

As an adult

Posted by Quantum
Who says Scorpio men like Cancer women?

The internet?
one time i was bitching at my scorp about something silly and he said "don't you know men are stupid? just google!!!"

yes internet is your best friend lol
Leave. He doesn't appreciate you.
Posted by Ilovemyaqua
Posted by TxOgal
@Ilovemyaqua .. What a coincidence.. Your words were cut short though

Oops,just saw.
Hey,Both of us have Virgo rising too!
I asked -no reason at all?! He didn't try to reach out? You guys never discussed? You mentioned somewhere he is very loyal.So there was no one else.He just fell out of love?Did he find you controlling or that he felt like he was walking on eggshells? Did he have a previous suffocating relationship?
I'm sorry about bombarding you with so many questions.
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I know it is strange.. we discussed but it did not get better.. I remember one day I told him honestly that i don't see our relationship going anywhere and I just could see from his body language that he doesnt plan on anything and is not thinking of a future for us. It was again disappointing that he chose to stay silent while Im the one looking for clues from his body language. it seemed to me like hes looking for an escape. Eventhough his words expressed otherwise.. saying how hes sorry and that he didnt mean to make me sad.. and him being here with me is bec. he loves me. But I just know that actions speak louder than words.. and i didnt like how he never dared to tell me that hes not sure or not ready or doesnt have a plan.. he just chose silence and his flakey actions, and i chose my peace of mind
How have they affected you?

Where are they positioned?
Which one of you folks broke the damn internet?