Cappys and woman!!!

i love cancer girls cause they are so emotional and blunt. Im in love with Sag girl at work at the moment. big boobs, nice rack, pleasant face, and sometimes a raspy rough east coast accent like marge simpson's cousins is sexy. but thats just me. lol. You know why i wont talk about virgo girls....

Related Messages

Thats why Virgos love Air signs?!
YES.. OR ?NO..
Its all bout? yes or no.-!

You got that ?aloha? boy..!!??
Cap: You are almost spot on!...I am a wanderer...a lost soul at times..then I suddenly find myself..I have my moments..I like the Bohemian life style ...
K, well Scorp and I are going to see a film tonight and then onto a party in london later..Woohoo..gonna go as a Sorceress...Need to get my hair done..damn damn..need to book an appointment..
Juicy...whatcha gonna do about your Scorp?
You are right. This Leo doctor has been a great help in being able to push the Virgo guy further to the side (been very difficult). As I've stated many times, Virgo guy will always have a special place in my heart no matter what. However, I do have a big heart, so the man I eventually get with, will have the majority as it should be. Yes, I do think this Leo doctor wants me which is absolutely great. You asked how old he is. He is 26 years old, and is a doctor. He's just finishing up his internship. As far as I can see he is a very well rounded and focused kind of guy with a lot compassion for people (which is a great plus in my book). As for asking him when he's going to have lunch is a little tricky because it looks like he eats when he has time. Also when I have seen him eat lunch he eats with the other doctors. The nurses eat together. Nobody mixes with other professions. Very good idea though.
I will be back later on, as things have moved a little further (not much but making headway). Yesterday, I really showed him my caring side so he knows that now. I was being a typical nurse, just so that is stated.
"Do you have a habit of reacting to things 'all of a sudden'? Like from nowhere and nobody saw it coming? lol Aqua energy tends to make things happen out of the blue."
Funny you should mention that, because I just surprised someone the night before last by confronting them in front of our group of friends when they were acting like a jerk. They got all wide-eyed. It was funny 'cause they never even saw it coming.
Usually I'm pretty good at keeping these things in check, but I guess that would just make it seem more out of the blue...hehe.
What other aspect of your chart do you relate most strongly to?
First things first ...Such pathetic state of infrastructure ...what lecture/univ/collge was that ?
Secondly, really bad that the aries treated you that way. Although that gives you a chance to contemplate and discover whether you are liked by others. People can cold shoulder you if they actually dont have any liking for you.
Finally, glad that a scorp showed how one should react in such situation, ideally.
Yeah I can imagine ..My frens wud just do that.
I think this is getting a bit deep....
all i am trying to say is....if you know thing might not work out how do you prepare yourself? how do you get to the point where if the person leave it will not hurt so much that u cant cop....
for contact? being unavailable....and making them value you-how?
EGem....pearls of wisdom smile
Yes and no... I have an idealized version of love in my head where the guy and I chose to be with each other forever. In a way though this is the cause of my troubles and my strength. When I figure out that the guy I'm with has flaws that I can't live with, I'm out the door claiming 'it was never really love.'
However ::grumbles to herself here:: yesterday a woman told me that I was acting like a woman in love for the first time in my life. I said a sentence, one sentence, uno, about Mr. Cap and how I wanted to buy him an extension cord (so romantic of me huh?) and the female friend told me that she never saw me in love before. And the scariest thing of all is that I'd totally walk away from this guy if he pissed me off, and I feel totally in control of myself and at ease with who I am and who I'm with, but darn it all I guess I really like him or something. She scared me when she said that to me though, I'm not going to lie. I know for a fact that Mr. Cap would run the roost but somehow I think that I trust him to make a good decision and listen to me... scary as usually I'm the intelligent one.
But my ease with walking away from a situation has always come from a belief inside myself that I deserve something better.
Car accidents don't happen everyday. I kind of think maybe you overreacted, but you can blame that on hormones. Did you ask for a raincheck that you can cash in anytime you want to make up for your lonely evening once he left?
OK his girlfriend is sitting on the floor... he sees you and obviously thought that you needed a seat... I wouldn't judge him too harshly because he was in a divided loyalty situation. The girlfriend comes before a friend and she might have overreacted if he gave you the seat. From the situation I wouldn't hold it against anyone and besides you met a guy with good morals and a good upbringing. Those men are a rarity these days and it couldn't hurt you to befriend such a good guy.