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Sep 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 182 · Topics: 21
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It sounded like a very nice compliment. If it were me, I might not be able to tell if you were pursuing or just being nice. Her response seems appropriate for what was said.
"they seem totally oblivious of the chance I want to give them"
Seriously? Is it your impression that you have to give a person a "chance" to get to know you? And herein lies your problem....your slightly skewed perspective doesnt even grasp the concept that a person WILL get to know you, allow or not, if given the opportunity to be around you. You giving them the "chance" merely skews your perspective even further. Must you see the light bulb go off over a persons head as you give them this chance? And if the light bulb doesn't go off as you anticipated it would when you gave the person the "chance" do you close off even further? Here is an whoever you want to be...and choose your friends however your going to choose them....and TRUST them, they ARE getting to know you!
The greeks have a saying...."Know thyself"
"In every approach to people a Scorpio comes across as invasive, if not confrontational (one of the reasons why you make either fiercly loyal friends or intense enemies) like a hard-nosed reporter or detective launching a probe. Scorpio's every remark seems ever so slightly cutting, as if designed to dig ever further into the mind of whomever he's addressing, gauging their reactions, as he does, in a search for chinks in one's armor. Fittingly, scorpio is not above making scatological comments or using bawdy gross-out "humor" to provoke or embarrass. He's continually excavating for truth, the real story behind the endless sea of quietly desperate smiles. His constant searching of people's psyches is no blind ambition, rather it is meant to serve a definite purpose: To borrow from a luminously shadowy Scorpion songwriter, he's a perpetual "miner for a heart of gold."
...a rather honorable quest, if you ask me....
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Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1092 · Topics: 158
I have these three booklets
Howard Duff - astrological types
Doris Chase Doane - How Body Language Defines Character and
Judith A. Hill - The Astrological Body Types, Face, Form And Expression
probably cuz i'm a loser and have no other friends
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Feb 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
Message posted by: wheelhomies on 11/5/2006 4:00:45 AM ip:
"ok, when i say extremely manipulative, i don't mean you're evil and try to ruin peoples' lives. just that you know how to get what you want."
I know you're not saying I'm a douche with my manipulation. Am I as or more manipulative than a Leo, Capricorn, or Scorpio?
i am surprised whenever i hear about same-sign relationships... just seems incestuous.