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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
hmmm...I think Mr Aqua has liked you ror awhile now...he had to let you make the scorp mistake first though. The scorp is his best friend, so it was a conflict of interest.
Does the scorp notice anything?
fierce, i sort of see some plutonian and uranian influences in your appearance. something about your eyes (very clear, which are known attributes of mercury and plutonian characteristics) and the hair definitely draws attention. you have a strong profile too. go to and enter your data to get your info. the rising is your personality, it basically sets up your chart and where your planets are located. i'm a virgo with scorp rising with sun in the 10th. so i'm a mixture of virgo, scorpio and cap (because cap rules the 10th naturally). my moon is in aries in the 5th. so my feelings and emotions (when i get upset or riled up) will come off like an aries, scorpio and leo (leo naturally rules the 5th). any aspects will also add more depth of course, this is just a rough sketch.
i've never come across those books that you mentioned, but do check out "the rising sign your astrological mask" by jeanne avery. that book describes me to a tee, it's scary. there was this other book too which focuses on rising, sun and moon appearances which was very informative, but i forgot the name. i'll get back to you with the name once i'm done scouting for it, it's a really thick book too. oh, a really good "elbert wade, ascendant decans" a really nice site about rising signs and appearance, but you need to know the degree of your rising. i could get superficial and list all the so-called beautiful aspects, but beauty is subjective so i won't, lol.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
Oh I my last post means more.
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Apr 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 474 · Topics: 53
hmmmmm as a cancer all i can say yes we keep those things cause we liek to cherish stuff..if dats a problem wit some folks,bleh. As for crying when stuff is gone well i won't go THAT far but i will get a lil peeved if something was thrown out in error. BUt i do get pass that and let go of that.No back to the topic...why would u want to boil us and dip us in butter huh,lol. WHYYYYYYYY???
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Apr 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 474 · Topics: 53
huh?WHY da lack of emotion and appreciation?Lol wow. First time i'm hearing this. I think there's alot of reasons. One.... the fact that we observe first. We do not give our hearts so readily. Second... if while in a relationship the lady GIVES mixed signals then we would be very cautious goin ahead. I'll give an example" If a lady wants money burrowed and she says"I'll pay you back just remind me" and then after a few weeks pass waiting for u to ring her and ask for the money back and then u finally did,SHe then dissolves the close "relationship" due to u asking her for the money. In other words she was testing you. ANd LAstly.... we do show appreciation but we do limit it because some people take us cancers for granted so we kinda have a hard shell at times.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
haha, forgive him...he had a broken heart
I think he knew about the scorps ex so he didnt have to do much.
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Sep 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 182 · Topics: 21
Well, here are my own results...Virgo was number one. I didn't have any red(bad) signs. Everybody else was (yellow)okay.
Virgo 63% Virgos are meticulous and reliable but can also be overcritical and austere.
Aquarius 59% Aquarians are thoughtful and innovative but can also be unpredictable and apathetic.
Capricorn 57% Capricorns are patient and exacting but can also be reluctant and overly cautious.
Taurus 57% Taureans are warm and loving but can also be jealous and possessive.
Leo 55% Leos are generous and loving but can also be overbearing and intrusive.
Cancer 55% Cancerians are intuitive and tender but can also be oversensitive and clingy.
Pisces 55% Pisces are compassionate and kind but can also be malleable and vague.
Aries 54% Arians are enthusiastic and confident but can also be impulsive and impatient.
Sagittarius 52% Sagittarians are honest and to the point but can also be irresponsible and brash.
Libra 51% Libras are romantic and charming but can also be wishy-washy and gullible.
Gemini 48% Geminis are flexible and youthful but can also be unstable and erratic.
Scorpio 48% Scorpios are exciting and magnetic but can also be jealous and resentful.
Signed Up:
May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
lol, caps right
I hope he's for real too.
G'Night all
1)If they are not really interested (yet), then they will ask you questions and probe your psyche and try to figure you out, yet reveal very little of themselves...nothing of depth anyway. Then they will probably move on..................or marry you.
2) No, actually you can tell, because they will be receptive, they will make time for you, they will joke and tease you, they will do weird things to get your attention, they will smother you with attention...or ignore you...or tackle you.
Okay so you wrote the above: I belive my aqua is doing the question thing, he asks questions yet does not reveal about himself unless I reverse the question on him. I have found that we are similarities.
But then on your second resoponse the does not make time for me as he says he's busy with getting a new job (understandable hes a coach has to plan out thing and practice) but then again he jokes around with me and teases me, (sometimes I feel he's being mean by the things he says, maybe i'm too sensitive) yet I know he's joking, the weird thing you said, so true. At my work one day he went into my deparment after our first date and he practically shouted across the office in spanish "good morning (my first name) and waved, I thought that was wierd. He does not ignore me at work, in fact he looks until I make eye contact with him and then says hi.
So now what?