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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
good evening, everyone. the Libra called me tonight. We talked for about 1 hour. He called twice, but the first time I thought he was some prank caller so I hung up on him! LOL...he called back and said "You give me grief about not calling you and the first thing you do is hang up on me?" LOL..he was calling by using a calling card so no number showed up on my caller id.
The biggest reason why he hasn't called is because his cell phone plan isn't one that is a national plan, but rather had he used his cell phone to call me, he'd be charged 70 cents per minute...but text messages are part of his plan and that's why he did send me messages.
So like I said earlier today, I know I was being selfish and knew there was a reason why he hadn't i Know!