I try to be.....I am on the cusp of virgo and libra so I have a lot of intertwining characteristics..
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
"What makes you think I'm mad?"
Because you just told me I'm not funny, and I didn't do anything to deserve that meanness.
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
I just found out that my best girlfried, (taurus) known each other since we were in the 8th grade and a co-worker well 2 coworkers (Libra, Aquarius) has also made this same comment and find it to be a bit strange.
All three ladies has informed me in so many words that they have be mentally and physically abused by a Capricorn.
And right know my best girlfriend is struggling because she caught her man(Cap) in the bathroom smoking crack, not to mention all the other lies, he has told her,
- After 6 months of dating she find out that he was living with another women
- She allow him to move in her house I questioned her on that last night and she just shugged her shoulder) and said that she is a harmonious person she just let it happen
- She has told me that he has slapped her before
- She had surgery he came to see her one time during a 1 week stay
- When it was time for her to leave the hospital he was nowhere to be found her daughter had to bring her home
- When she got home he expected her to get up and continue the business they got going on toghether, hell she just had a hestorictomy.
We sat up until way after midnight me just listening to her pure her heart out about a man that she know is deceitful and is not good for her and she constantly say she loves him. I finally told her to put love in her back pocket and move on. I let her do all the talking and answer her own questions.
But in her mind she just want him to come home and so that she can hug him and see if feels that love, and if she don'e she will put him out. But I am like damn what if she does feel a spark is she going to except this crap let him stay and turn her head, to what she already knows.
I told her about my situation with the Cap and how I walked away because I refuse to allow him to take me through any type of abuse been there done that I know I am a very emotional person and to know that my emotions could be damaged I did not think I could deal with it so I made a very hard decision and left and it took me 6 months to get over him and although I still love him so very much I could never be with him.
And I find out today that my co-worker (Aqua) was married to one for 2 yrs and she went off on him she also said that he physially and mentally abused her also to the point where she tried to kill him and could not go to the divorce because he feared for his life. LOL
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3881 · Topics: 128
Yama is a poo-ey scorpio whaddaya expect? Sweetness and light and airy fairy words with no ulterior motive????????
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Jul 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5508 · Topics: 93
You are serious.
I posted this yesterday under a new topic...however I need a ggod opinion on this. I might be extra sensitive because I'm a Libra....so an opinion from a virgo will really help.
So...of course from my other posts you all know I'm dating this virgo.....today we were talking about previous relationships and the breakups.....to make a long story short I asked what would make you break up with someone so he said If I decide to be in a relationship it woule take a lot....my concern is the If I... he kept saying it. Now I guess my question is I thought that we were in a relationship and everything he has been doing lately has corresponded with my belief....however from our conversation it makes me think we're not the big if I....I don't want to ask. What do you all think?