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Oct 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 368 · Topics: 10
You called or didn't call? I assume that you didn't.
And yes there is the possibility that he'll never want to see you again. "Out of sight; out of mind." But the better possibility is that if he has feelings for you then his mind is going to start thinking about you. Then he'll realize that he hasn't contacted you and wonder what you are doing. If in the meantime when he's finally realizing that you are in his thoughts, he sees that you are happy and at peace with yourself... it's going to drive him to find out why.
In the end this is the way to find out if he really does have feelings for you or not. Instead of being the aggressor, you have to chill out and wait. Men think about us alot but unlike women who multitask... they often do things one step at a time. Driving and talking can make the man blame a girl for missing a turn on the road because you expect multitasking. His relationship thoughts could take months before he finally realizes that he wants you. If you can let him come to you and avoid the impulse to go to him at this point, you might end up with the best boyfriend of all.
Call him and push then you are taking away his need to decide, prioritize and chase you. He needs to believe that you are the best woman out there for him.
And when your head calms down and you stop having the impulses and start hanging with your friends and doing your own thing... it becomes easier. Who knows you might meet someone else or Mr. Aqua might turn out to be the one. When he chases you then you get to slowly set the terms.
And the fact that you had sex with the guy and had a relationship probably means that at some point he's going to think about you. If he thinks about you and sees that you are pathetically waiting by the phone... why call? But if he thinks about you and sees that you are happy go lucky doing your own thing, not waiting for him then he's going to wonder more about you in a positive light.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
tyson is a joke now but i do beliele in his prime he was pretty fierce....a cancer.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
stalone is a cancer which makes rocky a cancer....he was pretty good
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 903 · Topics: 48
Well, it's a word in MY
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Nov 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 214 · Topics: 12
leokitten, its not that I want to convince him, just thought thats what he wanted after 10 months of not being together that he realized he made a mistake of letting me go. And its me wanting to call him out on it , I just want to know why ? if he really didn't know. Most people would take it the same way I think, usually when we say we regret losing someone and they come back to us we don't mess it up.
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Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 647 · Topics: 52
I have held nothing back. Eveyr time I give it to, flowers show up at my door or he spends hours apologizing and sucking up.
Its like he doesnt listen. As a matter of fact, when he calle dme last night he said "We have to make plans for you to come down South" I said I don't think so and he completely ignored it and started naming dates. Huh?
What exactly is going through his mind since you mentioned it? Not like I care but I guess I am curious.