Horns locked: Battle between Taurus & Aries

Posted by Redoctober2000
Taurus likes to control or "do not like being told what to do".. So either some has to concede or let the "battle commerce"...!!

For the sake of the baby I would prefer to get the upper hand by letting the Aries believe she has won the battle by simply being the better person and doing as she wishes so that I can see my baby niece. Afterall, she is the mother and yes, she is the one who is in control.
But see that's part of the problem. Telling women/mothers that they are the only ones in control which gives them this false superiority complex where everyone has to bow before them. I don't do well with being emotionally manipulated. My brother is also half of the baby and sole provider. He also has a say in who can visit her. I'm a mother, I'm a single mother at that & I've always acknowledged my daughters dad's role in her life & his say in all things having to do with her because without him I wouldn't have my daughter. I've never told him or his parents/family that they couldn't see her nor have I made them jump through hoops to do so. All I've ever asked for was a heads up so I could make sure not to make plans for that day/time. There's no need to make everything so complicated!!!