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Apr 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2810 · Topics: 110
I think so yes
But just the Colin-parts made me smile
You live in South Yorkshire?
HEEEEEEEEEY "the full monty"!!! Was it supposed to take place there?
ok patterns i've seen live and in person:
gemini's: haven't known enough gemini women but the men i've come across all Love to talk, especially on the phone.
aquarius: haven't known hardly any aquarius men, but all the aquarius women i've come across have been messy as far as how they keep their living spaces!
capricorns: men- good conversation, witty and good sense of humor
women- distant, not very engaging
taurus: women a bit vain the ones that i've come across, really concerned with their appearance, but have good taste.
virgo: women- smart with their verbal and written expression, creative use of words.
scorpio- both men and women hard to get to know
pisces- both men and women i've come across seem to be "bleeding hearts" so to speak, nice and friendly and the women easily emotional over something; kind of absentminded/spacey
cancer- the women i've come across have come off as closed.
the men- hard to pin down as to what they are thinking/feeling
just silly patterns i've witnessed, by no means do i imply that all are like this. also, i think the sign you are affects how you view other signs.