hello peeps,
tis me and i'm back with a few questions for you scorpio's. dunno if you guys can remember me but i got dumped by my scorpio guy because he thought i started a rumour about our private life in school, which was soooo not true but he refused to believe me. so the whole trust thing went for a toss. i wanted to get back with him but he said he didnt want a girlfriend cuz he doesn't want to be tied down etc etc. i was sooo heart-broken cuz he really is the love of my life and 'the one' for me.
anyhow, yesterday (when i was in town with my friend) i saw him at work in the cafe he works at ( he didn't see me tho) and i decided to go in pretending like i didn't know he was there. i saw him and he saw me. we spoke to each for a bit, asked how each other was etc. he seemed to be really friendly, which was really suprising for me cuz i expected the total opposite. he was also kept looking at me in that same exact way that he did the first time he saw me.
so later that evening i texted him and apologised for coming into the cafe and 'how if i had only known he was in there i wouldnt have gone in' crap. complete bull but hey i needed to start the ball rolling. he replied after like 5 hours sayin that it was alrite, and how i looked different + older. we ended up flirting really badly and then i asked him if there was any1 in his life rite now. he said that he doesn't want a gf and i suggested an open relationship. all of a sudden he got really excited and said how he'd love to see me again and how hot i looked etc.
now, as i said before i really love this guy and would do anything to be with him, even if this means being in a open relationship. Now my question to you scorps is how do i make him fall in love with me, instead of just wanting to have sex and how do i win back his trust? basically, how am i meant to go about with things this time round?
I agree with roxi if they don't come right out and tell you.. Then it's worth the wait. They need time to think about things most men are that way they go into caves is what a guy told me one time. That's how they think about things and deal with things.
Signed Up:
Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
chances are you're going to get annoyed at my answer bc it's not going to be what you want to hear...but if you told the truth and you tried to proove it , and he still doesn't believe you....that might be more of an excuse to back up his "reasoning" of why he doesn't want a girlfriend...Just think what you can handle (be honest with yourself) ......
You're having sex with him....and you know theres another girl involved or other girls, even though on the outside you can play it cool..are you going to be heartbroken on the inside? I'm only saying this bc you love him, but think about you for a second and not him....
Signed Up:
Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
ps i'm a gemini so i know exactly where you are comming from... hi =)
Gemini_Gal it is plain & simple ---> Be honest, Be yourself, and go with the flow........
Signed Up:
Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
for a gemini it's hard to go with the flow when you want something badly...you'll do whatever it takes, surprise...lol
Signed Up:
Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
Wow! It is scary accurate though.