Hi lindawin iv been reading every day and thinking should i or shouldnt i respond....well i just had to really. Roxi knows my story and has been good therapy. I too am married 14 years and apart from the last 7 months or so very happily.
I will give you a brief summary of my story...hope your sitting comfortably.....
I worked alongside virgo 2 years lots of banter there was a definate connection even chemistry (he 11 younger than I)I can honestly say i never saw a physical attraction but we were drawn together through our personalities. Anyway something strange happened coming home one night in a cab (a few of us been out drinking when world cup football was on and slightly drunk) he was coming back to stay over at our house, he got hold of my hand it felt really nice sweet i suppose, anyway i didnt let go he kept squeezing i sqeezed back all way home....after that we carried on as normal then week or so later he came to our house for a drink when he left he kissed me on cheek(again i thought sweet he not the type of guy you would really associate with holding hands and kissing cheek)again we carried on as normal nothing mentioned....I have to admit now though that i was seeing us differently....things moved quickly after that he went away for a few weeks with work and we text constantly sometimes 16 hours a day which started to turn into calls(?250 WORTH IN 3 WEEKS QUITE HEAVY GOING)when he came back we ended up together quite short very intense.....to cut an already long story short we dont talk any more i have had the cold treatment then nice again then been ignored..there is lots of stuff inbetween but now he has gone overseas for 7 months with his job he wouldnt talk to me about feelings much sometimes got angry if i tried to push him....well anyway i dont know what to say to you other than i know and it hurts like hell and the guilt as well ....i truly feel for you x