Posted by M143Thank you xxxPosted by Angie35scorpBecause he just realize you are not a fool OR he just realize you don't react on what he says and and thinking you are still cool. I know that calm exterior of a scorpio there lies the raging volcano going to erupt. An angry Scorpio willing to die and die with honor. We don't know the word defeat. We keep fighting till we get the victory. The battle is real for us. And we rarely forgive of betrayal.
Another update this man is screwing with me he sent me a simple txt you... what on earth??? I think I need to just cut him off my mental health is at stake if I entertain him
We get even. We don't want that disrespect and betrayal just pass by. Revenge will takes place but takes time planning to make it succeed.and I am sure he will be wounded and you're gonna be satisfied after that. Omg. I did that as well during my 20's to 30's. But Angie, if you can overcome that madness, do it lady. The Eagle scorp will rise above of that hatred, anger, revenge thing. They soar high and heal themselves with forgiveness and compassion. That dark energy will only hurt your soul even if you succeed the to expand