What does your birthday say about you

Posted by Capri-sun
You got: Awkward

You’re a bit quirky, and have your own way of doing things. You may not be the most graceful person, but you are definitely one of the funniest. Everyone loves your little quirks, and it all makes you one cool customer.
This is me too!

Glad I'm not the only one that got called out as a weirdo

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the stealthiest troll
Posted by Se7en
Posted by Palerio
Posted by Se7en
You're wasting your time!

Abort mission!!
She's a little too hot and cold and immature even for aquarian standard, but no, he's not wasting his time.
It wouldn't be worth it for me. My pride would have kicked in the first time she pulled a disappearing act.
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You don't know what you're missing.

Posted by DeeLovesRed
Posted by Blodmemi
I do. Usually they're the signs I'm more attracted to.
Which one are you most attracted to out of the listed ones?
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Scorpio, Capricorn and Cancer.
I don't understand about charts, but I can tell you that my last 3 bfs were Leo. Seems like I attract the type..

All I can say is that now if I come across some one who is a Leo (on a romantic level) I seriously run. As bad as it sounds, I don't even give it the benefit of the doubt, I just run.

Too much ego! It was always about them. They crave compliments which is fine with me..but it gets exhausting.

I love them as friends though!!

Good luck!
Do yourself a favor and get away from her asap. My last relationship with aqua was a mess. They are fuckb bipolar and retarded. They need to be left alone forever because they wont change for anyone. Fibd someone who respects your time and intimate level. Dont destroy yourself with someone who could give a fuck. You will have the worst communication problems. You guys are both fixed stubborn signs. LEAVE now!
i say its real when a killer reads his holy bible

make a change no more cigarettes thats soaked in water

crazy game but if you focus then you wont get swallowed

complain of rage your only option or reach for the bottle

Lord knows that i always try to make a difference

love is power even when you deal with hating bitches

thug wisdom for a dog in a troubled world

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but when the loser raps dudes would ask "who is that"

i knew i had to take a foolish path to the max

now my music last for life like im doing tatts

Posted by yupvirgo
Posted by jeane
There may be harmony but you're not harmonious! Fighting is good. From fights you grow. Fights mean there is honesty. Fights mean you get to see the real person instead of bottling all this up.

She can't be happy either and probably thinks you have changed over the years.

And just because you are not a couple that talks then become a couple that talks! You did it once before you were married, that doesn't mean just because you've done it once you can stop!

Finally if you want the marriage to improve, ask yourself everyday "what can I do to improve things? How can I make her life easier? How could I make her day better?" I guarantee you, once you change your behaviour, she will change hers.

Go even as far as asking her, "what can I do better?". Don't worry, she has got a list.
Woah I think that's what I need to start with! Simple as that. I guess I was over-complicating things in my head again. I can start with those questions. At least it would start a conversation.

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Good luck! Be prepared that she could react a few different ways.

1) shock. And tell you there is nothing

2) suspicion

3) spew out years of pent up frustration

Regardless of her reaction you need to stay the course. If she is overly critical then don't take it personally or become defensive. It is likely to be years of pent up emotion.

If she says nothing, then you need to rebuild trust that you mean what you say. Find something to do that is nice for her anyway. And do something everyday! It doesn't have to be big. Make her a cup of tea. Go and fill the air on her tyres. Buy her a bar of chocolate when you go out. Do the washing up. Ask her about her day. Anything! The more you do it, the more you will see what you can do and she will soften. When the time is right you can start talking more and eventually you can then address how you have been feeling.

I'm not big on the Scorpio-Aquarius couple. Maybe if she's heavy Pisces/Capricorn.

Post both of your charts.


her venus is in capricorn, mars in pisces, and ascendant in gemini.

My venus is in virgo, mars in cancer and ascendant in pisces.

Posted by yupvirgo

Hopefully no shock coz I'm going to ask really gently. But what do you mena by suspicion?

Well, she could ask herself why? Why are you asking? Why now? What are you playing at? What spurred this change? What are you up to?

It doesn't matter if she does. This is not going to improve things overnight. You have to give it some time. After 5 years, it won't reverse in a day. And if you want it to work, you just have to stay focused, keep doing it and wait for it to start paying off. Be prepared that it could take a month, two months before you start to see things changing.
Tests is an automatic lack of trust. I can't trust people that test me. I don't know many Caps that test. Too much thinking lol.