Posted by GypsyInChainsApparently lots of people did. He was cute in a sweet jovial kinda way. But good for him for getting in shape.Posted by clippityclopI liked him pudgy... but that's just me
Chris Pratt, he was super pudgy in parks and rec. But they beefed him up for guardians of the galaxy... so he wasn't always a babe!click to expand
Posted by TheLadyScorpioI think this is only a symptom of the real problem, that women even feel the need to do this. There are very real-world repercussions for not being perceived as conventionally attractive, including in the workforce.
There is no issue to be found when women chooses to use make up to enhance their own appearance or to try on a new persona. At the end of the day, once the experimentation is over it could all be easily removed by make-up remover.
However, I do have an issue with women who chooses to wear make up yet will lie in the face of everyone. They will claim that they are in fact naturally born that way. Do not take me for a fool and try to carry on the deceit that you have not a scrape of make up on when it is evident that you have mascara and / or lashes on, eyeliner, blush and lipstick.
I also have an issue with the very same sort of women who then take photographs of themselves in certain ways, then to filter and photoshop them to oblivion in order to garner a certain type of image. A desperate call to be loved and liked by men, to desperately seek approval. This appalls me.
Posted by RuthlessAggressionPosted by MyStarsShinebelieve me am trying to be relax but it aint happening...som,eone or the other will mess up with me and then i have to crush them all. i cant let anyone go.. justice must be served
Just admit you are human and if people have an issue with you, remember the issue is with themselves and not you....
If you learn to mix with the right people, they will love you for who you are
Remember, people love to be around relaxed humorous people, not uptight perfectionists who cannot relaxclick to expand
Posted by MIIeFiskIt's a reasonable investmentPosted by enfant_terriblePoor with a 7" dick, tho....Posted by xXxAliciaXxXYeah.. same thing with guys and money. Luckily I'm poor so I don't have to worry about it
"Ugly" people are lucky.
They have the security of knowing that whoever they settle down with truly loves them for their personalityclick to expand
Posted by OmniVirgoFlirtYMMV.
Debian transforms into Ubuntu
Actually (LTS), Means it is not a Long Term Operating System, like they claim and never has been. No Stability, Updating it can get you in trouble very fast bc they fail very bad at that process (it will happen). Don't be a fool. Don't save or keep important things on it.
A LT *Nix OS has upwards of 16 years of support for critical vulnerabilities. Debian nor Ubuntu will never scale to that.
I've never seen a Deb or Ubu machine keep nine nines uptime, never.
You get what you get...a point and click environment vs the real deal. So your getting something like MS Windows.
In the end it's what you want and what you get. Use it as a learning experience only if you use it.
Dell actually uses Ubuntu on laptopsbtw....although many changes to the source code as they are not fools.
Posted by fugu2In a professional realm I could understand (but it does not mean I accept or condone it) why they may be pushed to do such things. However, the women I refer to, have absolutely nothing at stake, they simply do it for attention.Posted by TheLadyScorpioI think this is only a symptom of the real problem, that women even feel the need to do this. There are very real-world repercussions for not being perceived as conventionally attractive, including in the workforce.
There is no issue to be found when women chooses to use make up to enhance their own appearance or to try on a new persona. At the end of the day, once the experimentation is over it could all be easily removed by make-up remover.
However, I do have an issue with women who chooses to wear make up yet will lie in the face of everyone. They will claim that they are in fact naturally born that way. Do not take me for a fool and try to carry on the deceit that you have not a scrape of make up on when it is evident that you have mascara and / or lashes on, eyeliner, blush and lipstick.
I also have an issue with the very same sort of women who then take photographs of themselves in certain ways, then to filter and photoshop them to oblivion in order to garner a certain type of image. A desperate call to be loved and liked by men, to desperately seek approval. This appalls to expand
Posted by Redoctober2000Having never met the op and going purely from what she's written here, I get the feeling that she only is pursuing him because of a mixture of guilt and pity.Posted by GeminariescharmerPosted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428Like how she was "pretending not to be interested" aka mind games she playedPosted by GeminariescharmerWhat types of level of attraction from the start?Posted by Leylia12Haha I did read, he could have stop chasing her when she said " thank you for all the gifts but we are just friends right" to save all his time. Taurus guy was buying her gifts and all, trying to convert her from Friend to lovers lol I hate to say that but that is weak.... Hmm. That is why when scorpios gals or any female in my life is playing mind games with me i shut them down immediately, no time for games man.Posted by GeminariescharmerI think you're missing the whole point... but sure...
The bull is responsible for his actions, guys stop blaming op. If the bull was practical enough(he's Taurus though) he would have stop pursuing after he's not getting back the same level of attraction at the start.
And he did stop... didn't he? If you actually read the whole story...OP is actually the one trying to get him back
And no one is blaming her...we just want her to face the consequences of her actions... that's all
Currently I am with my scorp gal, she's trying to make me chase he and always asks me why am I not calling or texting or finding her haha, i would be like " I am sorry baby but u know I am busy, you could drop me a text to let me know u miss me and I will get back to u when I am done". Sometimes i feel kinda tired trying to out-masculine her and wish I can find someone who prefers to stay in her feminity more usually cancer ones but cancer ones are too emotional for a longterm relationship. Well to date a scorp gal u just have to always be in your toes
Yes, typical scorp. Ego bigger than a Leo except theirs is internalised and only shown through their "mind games"...
U can't imagine having the ego the OP had to treat someone like that for two years. I wouldn't even treat my own worst enemy like to expand
Posted by SensitiveBluesCaking on makeup is scientifically proven to make your skin worse.
man when i see an ugly face i cringe.
do you?