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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
OK Guys,
Here it is I am a Scorpio woman who has been going through a little relationship/friendship identity probrlem with the unpredictable Libra. That I have pretty much chalked up to just a friendship. Houstonpeach can vouch for that as we are both on the Libra post.
However.... I have been talking to this Taurus who live in another city, very active in congress affairs, own his own business, vaulanteers for almost every charity possible. So, no, we have not yet met in person. We have emailed eachother pictures and talked on the phone for hours, and Houston. I have known him longer than the Libra since May of this year, but how much can you do when you aren't seeing eachother in person and spending real time with eachother....
I think of us as phone buddies as he expresses much interest in me... He uses words like, "baby", "sweety", "honey", which I think are adoreable, but a little too soon as we haven't met in person yet. and we always plan to meet and something comes up everytime. We are only 3 hours away...
So, I am on hear to find out more about the Scorp woman and Taurus man relationship!!! Taurus Beaus I like what I'mma hearing.
I dated one briefly years ago and he was the sweetest, most considerate person I have known.
Elaborate Bulls!!!
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Exactly HP, I am not a just jump in the sack kinda girl. I am a pretty picky and have to get to know the person some. Not that I have never had a one-night-stand, lord knows most of us probably have. I had two in my life, which were irrelevant.
So, I thik he will eventually bring up the talk, but I don't know how soon. I really don't care how soon. It is important for him to handle what is going on with him right now. I will have to try not to do my normal scorp thing. Remember I mentioned, when I end something with someone I never go back. If in the future he decided he wanted to have a relationship with me. I might no longer be interested but I will always be willing to be his friend.
Houston, I have been talking to a Taurus off and on since May (before I met the Libra) We haven't actually met in person he lives in another city and everytime we plan to meet something happens. How weird is it that we have this closeness long distance. As I know scops/taurus are a good combo, scorps would normally have to be around a person literally to get close to them. Anyway check out the Taurus post. I saw your comment about the Leo and Taurus, funny.
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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
Ok,ok,calm down.I was talking in general,it`s not like i am going to propose to you.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
HP, oh and about the 3 weeks, just counting back it was 2 weeks, still too long especially for this Libra. Although our last long phone conversationhe said he was going to withold sex period and get himself together. I said OK if that is what you need to do. This is the second time. Last time it didn't last longer than 3 days...
Since, it has been all weird between us, he probably wouldn't think of approaching me about that, as he knows that the friendship is what I don't want to jeaopordize and if it means cutting the sex than so be it. I just don't like weird feelings...
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Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
reniba-chan: what are the major differences between january aqua's and februaury aqua's?
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Sep 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 182 · Topics: 21
?Tell me, Virgos, do you understand the word Synthesizing??
QBone or other: Can you please define this synthesizing with regard to Virgo relationships???? I'm in the dark here.