Are All Cancers Tight With Their Money?

from all your good advice, i see that i should still give this person a chance and not throw in the towel. like i said in the earlier message, he has fantastic qualities but i just have a serious distaste for stingy people and i can't overlook that for too long without it causing a problem down the road.
he is a typical cancerian though, he went after christmas shopping and was like a kid in the candystore telling me about all his bargains. he likes nice stuff but is very cautious about the money he will spend on things.
i am going to keep seeing him and see what happens and try not to get so hung up. i realize now that the other guys i dated always bought me things to show their love for me and that is all i have really known. what is different about this guy is that even though he isn't buying me things. he does things like makes dinner or lunch, writes me poetry, makes cds with songs he thinks i would like etc...i am thinking that perhaps i am a little different type of person to him than what he has ever dated before. maybe he is acting different with me than his last girlfriend because he is trying to be deefper instead of more superficial.....just my theories combined with you alls advice...time will tell i guesssmile