Bad temper

I am always doing most around the house, he tells me that I don't do anything and we have 4 pets a fairly big house owned together and a full time job!! That I want him to do everything and he is sick of it. I just go to my little corner and cry, I am a 41 Latino, slim good shape good looks, pretty smile, I take belly dancing class and I do watercolor painting for fun, which I don't have time for any hobby, he always knew that, he looks older than me, know all he tells me is that I am old, I want to have children and don't have much time to waste, he said move on, bc is not going to be with me. So Sunday after the argument he is more friendly, we have a trip planned for next week and he is asking me why I am not coming???? Ha-ha I wonder why??? All I said is that we decided to move on and sell the house pronto! What is wrong here? He is so used to me forgiving and then he's very proud to show me around, this trip is a very important conference and hi is presenting a great peace of work that he created. This morning he was loving, I left the house in a hurry, I am very firm this time even if it hurts, he is just playing games with me and honestly this is emotional abuse! Thank you for taking the time to read this and please feel free to advice.