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Aug 10, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 137 · Topics: 32
mmmm its hard to say. pisces do disappear but generally when things are unclear - your case is pretty clear. she has mentioned she feels a darkness coming over her - I've experienced the same. this darkness inhibits your social skills, your rational feelings, thoughts, everything. she may very well be in a bit of a dark patch right now and simply doesn't know how to cope.
Let her do her exams.
Pisces are emotionally and decisively everywhere. we tend to get ourselves into situations which we may not always want to be in. why was she mentioning talking to you was like a routine? this is odd.
if she was into you - it wouldn't feel like a routine, unless she sensed something was off with it.
pisces are very "true" people. we do everything from the heart, and ROUTINE is the LASt thing we can cope with.