What sign/placement makes a person a loner for life?

Posted by cvurko
Posted by DonJohn
Posted by everlynn
Posted by DonJohn
the sign that makes one ugly
Absolutely untrue

The prettier ones are far more likely to be loners for life

you don't have a grasp on reality.

beautiful women are likely to be single in their 20s and 30s.

however, after that. they are usually married or partnered up.
I would agree with everlynn. Extremely beautiful females find it difficult to find someone with whom they can create and build a deep and sensual relationship as most of the males who have appropriate qualities are often insecure and dont feel good enough to go talk with the girl. Instead, these type of girls are surrounded by over-confident machos smile

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The same for men, beauty can be a curse.

I know some guys who look like male models but they don't have a good time with people in general. Friends would feel insecure about their lovers around them or feel like they are in their shadow, besides that a lot of people just get closer to them because of their looks, its sad to hear about.