What sign/placement makes a person a loner for life?

Posted by everlynn
Posted by DonJohn
Posted by everlynn
Posted by DonJohn
the sign that makes one ugly
Absolutely untrue

The prettier ones are far more likely to be loners for life

you don't have a grasp on reality.

beautiful women are likely to be single in their 20s and 30s.

however, after that. they are usually married or partnered up.
Well then how come a lot of these pretty women right here on this site still single without a man nor kids yet?

I also know tons of very beautiful women who is single and still looking in real life. Also know very beautiful ones who will pick the most ugliest men on the planet over the most attractive men.

Now me on the other hand, I felt forced to have family. Not blessed but forced. If I had my choice, i'd be a loner for life with just maybe one night stands thrown in.

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If you're a guy, I'd say this is why so many women stay single for a lot longer than they used to. Who wants to be shackled to someone who's only getting married because they feel forced to?