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Posted by aphrodite3I bet you only buy your underwear from Kmart.Posted by CancerOnTheCuspYOU MUST LISTEN SIMPLE ONEPosted by aphrodite3Ray Babbitt was an Aquarius......
see when Aquarians speak - you must listen. We gave y'all niggas knowledge.click to expand
Posted by thecrazyariestaurusAfter being miserable for a long time, I let myself love another guy who appreciated me. He was a Leo Sun.Posted by SeasonHow did you finally get yourself to let go?
Yes and yes. We're both Taurus with SN in Gem.click to expand
Posted by DeadStoolBet your town is short of popsicles......
I didn't know i had competition. And in the same town too? Go figure.
Posted by Capri-sun*Sigh*Posted by TeenaPosted by Capri-sunI did come to know about your story n I'm deeply sorry about that.Again I was just trying to stick to the topic n I did explain it.Posted by TeenaPosted by Capri-sunTo each his own woman!! I'm not bothered about you not "keeping" the count or you contracting any diseases..but I'm taken by surprise when you said you don't care ..care about what? Sleeping with how many or who ever? I think I'd very much be bothered about whom I'm sleeping with.I wouldn't sleep with so many that I actually forget who I slept with, let alone the count.Numbers may not tell you anything.But you not "caring" about it kinda does.Like I may not be bothered about how many times I'm failing at something..but it's an issue if I'm not bothered about the fact that I'm failing.Posted by TeenaPosted by Capri-sunDefinitely sleeping with lesser people wouldn't make someone a better person.But not keeping a count ? Not caring? Okay!
This is very simple either you want a virgin or you don't. Everything else in between is irrelevant.
Once you get a certain age who the fuck keeps count? Everyone is an adult, this is not high school. Who the fuck cares.
So is the person who says 1, better then the person who says 2...
What does a number tell you?
I've never asked a man for his number because it's insignificant, there is no context behind it.
I could have 1 sexual partner & have HIV or I could have 100 and be clean.
I could've went to a swingers club while married and had 5+ partners in one night.
I could have 10 sexual partners and not know the first name of 4 or the last name of 3...
My point being numbers tell you nothing. I don't keep count. For what? I don't care. Again for what?
As I already said I don't care about a number, has nothing to do with who I'm sleeping with.
Some people here already know my story.
Failure is the greatest teacher of success.
It has nothing to do with keep track...I simply said I don't care whether it's my number or his.
Not caring and being bothered had to separate meanings last I checked
N as I said I only was talking about how one can not be bothered about the failure(which i thought is what you implied).I never said one can't ever fail.
Bother n mind are the synonyms of care.
So here's what I'm trying to say & I haven't read the thread as I've been at work. I've only been reply to your notifications.
Not to discount anything you've said or to go back & forth. I simply want to try to better articulate what I'm trying to say since I'm no longer at work so everyone can have a better understanding. I feel like you might be focusing too much on the literal meaning of words & missing the overall point I'm trying to make.
I can care about something without it bothering me, and I can be bothered by something, yet be indifferent (not care one way or the other) to it.
So my thing is this, when I'm dating men who are into their 40s, I'm not concerned with what they were doing half their life ago as a single bachelor living away at college. That would be the equivalent of me saying you are the same person you were when you were 5, 6, 7, 8, even 10.
The truth of the matter being everyone has a past.
When I was 16, my mother told me if I wasn't in the house by 9p don't bother coming home. I worked at a place and I had to close since I went to school in the mornings. I wouldn't get out of work until 11p. Some nights if I wasn't ready when she got there, she'd leave. This left me, getting rides home or to a friend's house, sleeping at people's houses who I didn't even know.
For someone to judge me based off of a number that happened so long ago under certain circumstances shows how shallow they are and the lack of their own character. Yes my past has shaped me into the person I am today. However my past does not define me. I'm not the same person I was a decade ago.
I can tell you the first name, last name, birthdate, place, and any other pertinent information of the 1 time that I have had sex in the past 16 months. So to say a certain number makes a person a slut, whore, whatever else is inaccurate.click to expand
Posted by DeadStoolI'll do better and bring 6?Posted by QueenofthepheasantfairiesThe only TANG i kn-O is the one where the monkey is riding on a wave of orange drink. Haha that crazy orangutan, he was so funny and nice bring juice to all of the thirsty kids. If you bring me tang then i will send you the documents.
Pick me. I'll learn to Tangoclick to expand
Posted by yupvirgooI wonder what other placements my aunt has because it seems as if these questions do not cross her mind in some of her controlling decisions. In the past, she's made a lot of really questionable decisions in her "help" that ultimately screwed people over. The attitude was "oh well, this is a solution, use it." Doesn't matter if it screwed someone over, but it was a solution she chose so it was right.Posted by Nightcap2Yes I'm only controlling when it comes to codes of conduct and protocol.
Good question Rocky
I think Scorpios are more controlling about ego and emotion and Virgos are more controlling about codes of conduct and protocol. I actually don't mind either way as long as they're not selfish based.
Is it proper? Is it respectful? Is it appropriate? Is it right? Or is it wrong?
But honestly, I'm too indulgent what with my placements lol plus I'm married to a Leo moon and if you think you can control that haha just haha nuh-uh.click to expand
Posted by Impulsv
Ur yes but if ur touching their south nodes they can get tired of u as they have grown past that lesson
I had Venus n moon gems touch my south node
By the end listing to them talk was like nails on chalkboard lol
I had easier time moving on lol
Posted by rockyroadicecreamIf this is the same guy I'd say "drugs plus lobotomy". lolPosted by MoonArtistI was going to say, "what the hell happened??" Haha.Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by MoonArtistWait, is this that dude who had that thread for him to give people "psychic" readings?
So far I'm very disappointed in your psychic abilities. Also, being a wiccan has nothing to do with practicing witchcraft: one does not mean the other. "You know nothing, Jon Snow".
If you mean the pheonix guy....no, not the same person at all! I talk to him on the phone in rl....a very nice and sincere guy.click to expand
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