Taurus woman being shy & submissive?

Could be that she thinks you want to take the lead, so she lets you. If she likes you, she may be doing that to make you happy.

Related Messages

Posted by Hare
Posted by DeadStool
Posted by Hare
Is there a way to disqualify myself from all awards?
No even if you try, it won't happen.
What if I'm caught rigging the votes with the help of Slav-squatting Eastern European hackers?

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just backtrack and claim innocence
Posted by Fox
U haters ain't ready for me
do it, just do it
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Koniuchaa
Is there a cliff notes version somewhere ?
She said + He said + 34 pages = drama
About what though? Did tiz break the law?
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there are no laws lol
Posted by tcta
Posted by Hare
Posted by DeadStool
Posted by Hare
Is there a way to disqualify myself from all awards?
No even if you try, it won't happen.
What if I'm caught rigging the votes with the help of Slav-squatting Eastern European hackers?

just backtrack and claim innocence
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Learn from the Trolls, they took the time to showcase all their tactics used. Quite a feat I must say.Laughing

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Posted by Amethysst
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Amethysst
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Amethysst
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Amethysst
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Amethysst
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Get cheated on by their Gf/wife. She gets pregnant by the other dude but he stays and raises the child.

Could you do it? I couldn't. Cheating is enough to make me say goodbye forever. And a child from it at that??? Hell naw.

Whats y'all opinion nobody is right or wrong it's just personal thought not general thought
That would be a great man with no balls IMO!

Hopefully your tubes are tied.

No he has vicectomy! Perfect everywhere!


Good so you're not creating spawn children behind your husbands back.

Carry on Big Grin

At my age! I would make a TV show and lots of dough!
Because it's obvious you care more about money than the respect of your children and family lol

That's TPT style .
You have NO idea how stupid you are!

Sounding a little angry there lol Were you having trouble defining TPT? It's quite simple. Don't worry I'll give you more time. ?

Come back to me when you've figured it out.
You don't mind to be the 3rd man? LOL

I promise not to give you a child...unless you are filthy rich - than I might think about it.

I'm a young determined and ambitious woman with a child who's going to school to become a doctor. I don't have time for your fake love and trashy nonsense but I'll be glad to sit back and watch you on dxp if you desire.. smile
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How is young determined and ambitious woman with a child who's going to school to become a doctor

has so much time on her hand to spend in forums? I would take this time to study or play with my child instead.

You also have time to sit back and watch me on dxpnet...how many hours in your day???

And enjoy the ride watching me...doctor...LOL
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Koniuchaa
Is there a cliff notes version somewhere ?
She said + He said + 34 pages = drama
About what though? Did tiz break the law?
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Why must it be automatically assumed in the question that tiziani was the victim?
Wow my crushes birthday is same, I can't figure him out, he seems detached and in his own world, with a soft demeanor, but he follows me and flirts a little with me

What are you like what do you think, area you a loner?
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Koniuchaa
Is there a cliff notes version somewhere ?
She said + He said + 34 pages = drama
About what though? Did tiz break the law?
Why must it be automatically assumed in the question that tiziani was the victim?
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because he's a Libra ?
Posted by Nevermore
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by Nevermore
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by Nevermore
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by Nevermore
All it is is just for fun,

while everyone is riled up for the drama.

One mistakes, the whole group of lioness jump to attack.

Just for fuck sake let those poor men go as he just do for the fun and not taken seriously.

You don't even know the real truth behind it,

As you guys rather look on the other side for what?

And for some does it seems even fitting for the vulture award.

Since now that shines upon you.

Now let it all go and just enjoy for the results and have some tea of serenity.

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"... Everyone is riled up for the drama. One mistakes, the whole group of lioness jump to attack ... "

Where did your reading comprehension go?

Nevermore, not everyone was riled up as you call it, and the train wreck had no correlation in regards to the awards. If you wish to say you disliked the train wreck, at least make an informed statement about it instead of making things up. tiziani, merely did a great task of diverting attention apparently you were never able to see it. Quite alright, trolls are trolls, most here fall for it.

Where was this "... whole group of lioness ... " ?

That is an exaggeration, no?

You say let those men go, and then what?

That others should be push overs, doormats to be willingly subjected to mockery. Being able to make an argument in regards to one individual, had no correlation to the awards, had no correlation into the effort put in it.

You are assuming too much, they are mutually exclusive of one another.

Was tiziani truly a victim?

My god, so many assumptions in that statement of yours and very little thought. Besides, he is good enough of a troll to not require your defence, or for you to wipe his arse of his bullturd. Unless that is you, you felt a need to help give him an ego boost.

He is a coward but I doubt he needs your assistance.
Do you even read that I'm on their side? No.

All I'm saying here with all those argument going on is just enjoy those fake awards that are just only for fun. Gawd.

Did you not?

I quoted and referred directly from what you had shared, unless backtracking is also your specialty.

You would not be the only one specialising in it.Laughing

You were of the sentiment that others were causing drama and the hosts were the victims of it all. Do not mistake it as if I or others have no reading comprehension at all.

In which that's the typical way at dxpnet!! Sarcasm aside.

I'm neither side of them, nor even side of riling up.

Now backing out of it all because you were not able to walk out of what you so adamantly felt the need to share.

You created your own mess, it is only your own fault to be caught face planted in it.

Typical of DXP and typical of trolls.

Fancy a brushing, it has been known to be a magical experience.Laughing

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I'd rather to be peaceful than joining to your fight, plus I'm telling the truth to enjoy the awards instead of having all those argument.

Now, why won't you enjoy watching these videos just to chillaaaaaaaax~~

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Back tracking, feigning indifference and diversion.Laughing

Who was the one that needed to chill instead of having felt the need to protect cowards who do not need protecting in the first place.


You should have not felt the need to declare what you did as if one side was vicious and the other side victims.

You chose to make an uninformed post and make generalisations.

This is what you get for it, the consequences.
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by Harukka
There is a man killed his wife and the baby after she told him that she cheated on him and that the boy is not his child.

makes sense tbh...
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HOW does it make sense? NOW he is in jail for life and keep suffering.

Wouldn't that make more sense if he jumped off the roof to end his pain?

What he had proven? And how was child guilty of anything?