Leos I need help. What sign or kind of personality do you clique without any bullsh**?

Posted by TrueFantasy
Posted by RihannasForehead
Even urban dictionary got it down

"A Capricorn is usually a pathetic arrogant individual who thinks they own everything which is here in this universe. They like to shit all over people for their beliefs, while remaining hypocritical about their own. They like talking out of their ass, while shoving everything they DON'T know in to your face. They are stubborn, selfish, conceited and try to act tough when really there is nothing but shit being spewn from their mouth. If you know a Capricorn, please throw them in a lake of boiling lava, for they have nothing to bring in to the world. :]"
But it also says

"Capricorn people are serious, no nonsense types. We progressively work at improving any aspect of our lives because we feel like there is always more than what we are doing at the current moment. We are compassionate with good intentions towards others, although we are controlling. We are not trusting toward others who do not seem to have their lives together and we detest all things superficial. Yes, we tend to stand out in crowds. No, we ARE NOT boring. We just are not amused by things without meaning. We get along with Taurus, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Cancer. Aries are to self involved for a Capricorn to be interested in because our nature is to care about the well being of others - which Aries and Leo do not do. Anyone who does not get along with a Capricorn is a person who has unsucessfully tried to manipulate, control or contain a Capricorn for their own purposes. Capricorns are leaders who are not easily duped into the schemes of others as we tend to see true intentions even when the person is doing their best to hide them."

click to expand

Thank you for saying this ? I'm a Capricorn woman, and I seem to get on well with Leos. Men more than the women though.

I don't agree with what has been said before about Caps but I do agree with what you have quoted here.

Caps do get a bad rep for being cold & arrogant but in actual fact we just have a lot of self-control, like to keep our feelings in check, and are actually soft and gentle underneath.

Maybe some Caps are arrogant A**eholes but not all of us.