Anyone else fight with their moon?

Posted by TheCanBull
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by TheCanBull
Can't remember which one makes me more Taurean my mars or my moon, but i always look back on some things and think to myself, why did it takes me so long just to do that...

Taurus slows me me down but makes me well grounded...

Are yours conjunct?
Yes smile

1 Conjunction Moon - Mars

You are a passionate person who loves life. Although your emotions are powerful and immediate, your passion is generally controlled and directed. You are a sexual person who nevertheless doesn't get too carried away or controlled by your passions. Because your emotions are strong and you know how to channel them into constructive channels, you don't easily understand such things as "crimes of passion", impulsive behaviors, or emotional excitability in others. You're generally open, accepting, and natural in your sexual expression. You need an emotional connection in order to feel complete on a physical level. You may have an affection and talent for sports, but other factors in the natal chart are necessary to provide the motivation and commitment.

Short description: He is frank, honest, full of vigor and ambition. He is strong-willed and powerful at work. He is a little hard on himself but, above all, on others whose capacity for action is not as great.

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Mine too by 2degrees, 2nd house. Which house are yours in and how many degrees apart

We are stubborn as hell lol