Posted by SofiaV87
Aries- very 50/50 with these ppl, no in between
Taurus- ive accepted their stubbornness
Gem- intellectuals , somewhat flighty
Cancer- moody as hell
Leos- sometimes the pride is unbearable but love shines through every time
Virgos- they're just good ppl
Libras- sometimes they're too agreeable & nice but I still like them
Scorps- some of the nicest ppl I have ever met (men) & also very much in their feelings
Sag- they're cool as hell, laid back
Cap- I admire their work ethic
Aqua- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself with my aqua friend, that's how much alike we are
Pisces- oh Pisces, u guys are so sweet but can be draining. Still have love for u though