What surprised u about each sign u met,i mean personal experience

Posted by starwars
Posted by Cancan26
Posted by inmercury
aries - how they can be so sensitive and arrogant at the same time

taurus - horrible listeners, like they all have adhd or just don't know how to hold a conversation that isn't directly related to them

gemini - born without souls. they will leave you in the dirt when you need them most, but when you don't they're there for you and good at active listening.

cancer - bossy and their initial kindness turns out to be superficial

leo - you can never decide if they're incredibly smart or incredibly stupid because things come way to easy for them

virgo - they can be very calming with their earthiness in between their irritating nitpicky remarks

libra - like taurus, they all have adhd. You need to work for their attention in a crowd or through a tv show.

scorpio - surprisingly lazy and their mysteriousness is way overrated if you actually live with them

sag - genuinely altruistic to a fault

capricorn - self absorbed and judgy.

Aquarius - bored of life

the virgo is strong with this one ....

that means your criticalLaughing Smug

I do think cancers can be bossy

I could also see how cancers and virgos can perceive each other as selfish, even though neither is.

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lol Big Grin I am bossy as hell! I Don't mean to be.......... I feel like I am "helping" also mixed with the fact I am a teensy tiny bit of a control freak #cardinalsignproblems