Posted by starwarsi actually right about scorpio but party,Posted by NenovirgoPosted by starwars
omg I was about to start a similar thread.
Aries - their innocence, like they pretend to be all tough and shady then you talk to them and they sound like a 5 years old who wanna do stuff for shit and giggles. they can be clingy af its weird!
Taurus - they're more scorpio than scorpios
Gemini - they're so accepting yet so detached and logical
Cancer - they're known to be crybabies and shit, but I don't see it. if anything the ones ive known and know inspire me to be as driven and hardworking as they are! they're bunch of go getter!
Leo - they can be private and suppress their feelings which is shocking given their 'open' nature
Virgo -
Libra - how thoughtful and strong they are, Idc if their 'relatable' and 'agreeable' nature is looked down upon by others I personally find it intriguing how they're able to put up with people bs in a time where being a rebel is the shit.
Scorpio - idk why everyone see them as dark and crazy all I see is vulnerable kittens, they need to be protected. they can be really flexible and adaptable, I know shocking
Sag - I haven't met any but I'm surprised at the amount of passionate sags artists who write deep emotional lyrics lol
Aquarius - I don't think they surprise anyone, they will show you the more endearing side of them if you believed its their. Aside from their detached nature I think they believe in blind trust and want someone to believe in them
Pisces - they have this selfish streak and ego issues that is surprising to some, their ability to convince others of what they want without even trying is quite impressive
u so right with aries
what's your sign,u describe scorpios,as kittensclick to expand