Cappie ladies, are you really this forgiving?

Posted by Cancan26
mind blown~!

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man I didn't know swizz beats was a virgo? whaaaaat alicia an aqua wwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaattttt?

I didn't know mimi was a cappie ...but Imm tell you that joseline and mimi were friends before and hand and engage in some sexual stuff TOGETHER with stevie then things got messy or maybe joseline wanted stevie the whole time we will never know I'm sure its hard to separate all that out
Yeah, Swizz is a Virgo.

I don't know if Joseline and Mimi were friends, but I did hear they all engaged in some activities together. I think that's probably why it hurt Mimi so much too. Mimi is STILL hurt underneath it all, which is why I don't understand the actions of her caring to be friends or friendly. I wonder if its possibly the Cap compartmentalization thing? Being hurt bit able to be friends or cordial? Idk