Cappie ladies, are you really this forgiving?

Posted by lnana04
The guy in Mimi's and Joseline situation is a Scorpio. They were never married. They are from the reality show Love and Hip Hop. Tried to be "friends" or cordial, but look what's underneath that.

I think that's a good point, being hurt but putting on a brave face, and doing it for the kids if they are involved.

It just all seems like the Cap being a glutton for punishment.
do you think it's a publicity stunt?? and it's fake?

I don't see why that her friend would do that.

why can't she get her own man?

this maybe the dark side of scorpio.

Remember site??

the scorpio woman astrologer on the site said that scorpio can do that,

“If a Scorpio feels destined to sync with someone, nothing will stop it, certainly not some arbitrary man-made morality.” Julia Roberts. Vivian Leigh. Dorothy Dandridge. As much as these Scorpio starlets are known for their Hollywood glamour they are also known for their Scorpio love affairs with married men. With Scorpio & its ruler Pluto being associated with the 8th house — the house of other people’s property — I think it’s safe to say that O.P.P., made famous in the ’90s rap song, is a zodiac hazard. OK, Thrill. Destiny? Well, maybe just a zodiac situation Scorpios (and other 8th house types) might consciously or unconsciously find themselves in whether by personal design or happenstance. The 8th house, with its obsession for sex and psychology and the dark edges of life also involves the experience of benefiting or receiving fortune through things belonging to others. Mostly this is discussed in terms of money and inheritance, but let’s be real here, it can involve a wide range of other..."

it's not scorpio suns, but also scorpionic/plutonic folks too.

remember Angelina Jolie?? she is very plutonic. And she was highly publicized as taking Brad Pitt, (much less that did her since they divorced)

so if the Capricorn woman is plutonic herself, she should already know the wiles and be PREPARED for it.