Finally a proper first date. Here's The Plan. ( Pisces Women Would You....)


There's this Pisces woman that I'm really into. I met her back in August and we've seen each other a couple times over these past couple months at random social functions. We've also hung out one on one once.

I've been getting the feeling lately though that she's maybe as into me as I am into her.

I've recently realized based on her body language, her tendency to be nervous around me etc...

that she may indeed have at least a mild sexual attraction towards me.

So here's my plan...

The next time I see her is going to be in March probably for her birthday as that's when she's visiting LA.

I'm planning on having 29 white roses ( one for each year of her life) delivered to her anonymously with an envelope containing a plane ticket and a note asking her to join me for New Years In Morrocco. The card specifically is going to be signed as being from a secret admirer.

I know she's been talking to and hooking up with other people and actually may have just started dating someone else seriously.But I honestly can't stop thinking about her.

I think this is a good way of letting fate decide if we are meant to be something more. A year I think is also ample time for her decide if she's willing to take a risk.

Pisces Women what are your opinions? Would you take the risk yourself?
