Posted by TheCanBullOkay 26 year old.Posted by communicatorThe issues here is that you are fighting something that you know is true but want to resent it, something has triggered you to come here and open a thread like this labelling everyone who is not married.Posted by TheCanBull
I know i am 26, why do you keep hiding posts where you are biting at me?
I am actually trying to level with you on the hurt part... your sensitivity then insensitivity is rather odd.
I am just sharing a point of view that people don't need to be in a marriage to see the good and bad from it, we see plenty of the good, but the bad is aired about much more because it affects people's lives far more.
I mean do you see many people here saying how great their marriage is? well no because they usually don't want to be called out for bragging etc.
Yes i am 26, don't let it fool you.
For some reason my autocorrect is not working, I hid the comments because I had misspelled words. I am not biting at you, your views of marriage fit with your background, and age. You are entitled to it, but you are 26. So...enough said. LOL
Your quote before was fully coherent and did not need deleting. Scared of showing your true self?
I see you don't worry. And do continue to mention my age, it makes me feel even to expand