Cappie ladies, are you really this forgiving?

Posted by leowww
Posted by lnana04
Posted by leowww
A good cap friend of mine forgave her soon to be husband after discovering he had cheated on her several times. He didn't come clean, she caught him. And by soon husband to be I mean 48 hours before the actual ceremony.

I still get mad when I think of this... Mad for her. I respect her decision even if I'll never understand it.
Wow, so she still married him? See, forgiving that would be harder for me then forgiving a cheating husband. No way I would have married the guy.

She had her reasons...... I guess. We've never talked about it again, it's like the elephant in the room. I doubt he knows I know. As much as I can't stand and don't like the guy now for hurting her... (I'm very protective of the ppl I love) ... I want her happiness. I told her I'll never treat him any different. She's my friend, I respect her decision like I said.

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Wow, what is his sign?

I couldn't imagine entering a effed up situation. I somewhat understand eventually getting stuck in one, but entering?? When you dont have to? I don't get it.

Is she happy now?