Posted by lnana04
Another tidbit about Mashonda and Swizz relationship. Either while, or before they were married, he cheated on her and got another woman pregnant. Mashonda was also carrying his child and the stress of the situation caused her to have a miscarriage.
The stress of the situation with him and Alicia made a lot of her hair fall out. Its like she's getting paid on one end, but whenever Alicia tries to smooth or make light of the situation Mashonda will say something. She had to put out there before that her hair started falling she was so stressed, so its not to take lightly.
My thing is, what happens to "those" type of emotions?
I read the comments under the YouTube video I posted just now and so many people think she's lying. Say they can see in her body language and eyes that she's still hurt. I'm curious now to where all the emotions, if you REALLY loved some one to the point that they were able to stress you out THAT much, go?