Cappie ladies, are you really this forgiving?

Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by lnana04
He was sexting the Taurus and trying to meet up with her. This was shortly after his marriage to Alicia. He's just a cheater.

According to his interview right after he divorced Mashonda, Alicia was more on his level in terms of success and ambition, and according to him Mashonda was not. He said Mashonda was going through his phone all day, and he was tired of being around a scrub basically. He was ready to get upgraded.

I did read about him being involved in some kind of scam. Never heard much more about it.
lol @ sexting the Taurus, is that really on his instagram? lol Tongue

link it!!

I don't think Alicia Keys would like that at all.
click to expand

Another video of him talking about how he likes to have fun. His wife knows it and he comes home.

It seems like letting him be free is the way to go with him, because he's going to do what he wants any way. I bet it's a burden lifted off of Mashonda.

I think that's the thing too. Seeing how the guys don't change much, the burden lifted makes the process of forgiving and moving on easier. It's probably like's not my problem to deal with anymore.